Ryan Abbott
- Speaker at 6144 Pions in a Box
David Albandea
(University of Valencia - IFIC)
- Speaker at Learning trivializing flows
Constantia Alexandrou
- Speaker at Nucleon transverse quark spin densities
- Sajid Ali (Bielefeld University)
- Chris Allton (Swansea University)
- Luis Altenkort
- Anian Altherr
- Daniel Alvestad (University of Stavanger)
- Maximilian Ammer (Wuppertal University)
- Takis Angelides (DESY, Humboldt Berlin)
- Maria Anosova
- Yasumichi Aoki (RIKEN R-CCS)
- Sinya Aoki (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
Andreas Athenodorou
(The Cyprus Institute)
- Speaker at Open Science in Lattice Gauge Theory community
Speaker at
The glueball spectrum with
light fermions
- Felipe Attanasio (Heidelberg University)
- Artur Avkhadiev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Venkitesh Ayyar (Boston University)
Simone Bacchio
(The Cyprus Institute)
- Speaker at Disconnected contribution to the LO HVP term of muon g-2 from ETMC
- Speaker at Lyncs-API: status update
- Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros (University of Valencia/IFIC)
- Paolo Baglioni (University of Parma (SMFI) and INFN)
- Andre Baiao Raposo (University of Edinburgh)
- Dibyendu Bala (Bielefeld University)
Gunnar Bali
Speaker at
The light quark masses from
CLS ensembles
Speaker at
The light quark masses from
- Oliver Bär (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
- Lorenzo Barca (Universität Regensburg)
- Lorenzo Barca (Universität Regensburg)
- Alessandro Barone (University of Southampton)
- Rocco Francesco Basta (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
- Mischa Batelaan (The University of Adelaide)
- Marc Bauer
- Alexei Bazavov (Michigan State University)
- Ed Bennett (Swansea Academy of Advanced Computing, Swansea University)
- Henrique Bergallo Rocha (University of Edinburgh)
- Georg Bergner
Evan Berkowitz
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
- Speaker at Structure Factors of Neutron Matter
- Manjunath Bhat (Adam Mickiewicz University)
Shohini Bhattacharya
- Speaker at GPDs in non-symmetric frames
- Tanmoy Bhattacharya (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Pedro Bicudo (IST Lisboa)
Ryan Bignell
(Swansea University)
- Speaker at Charm baryons at finite temperature on anisotropic lattices
- Speaker at FASTSUM
- Matthew Black (University Siegen)
- Jacques Bloch (University of Regensburg)
- Claudio Bonanno (INFN Firenze)
- Szabolcs Borsanyi (University of Wuppertal)
- Bastian Brandt (University of Bielefeld)
- Matteo Bresciani
- Raul Briceno
- Alexander Broll (HU Berlin)
- Mattia Bruno (Universita' degli studi di Milano Bicocca)
- Pavel Buividovich (University of Liverpool)
- John Bulava (DESY Zeuthen)
- Sebastian Andreas Burri (University of Bern)
Pietro Butti
Speaker at
Adjoint fermions at large-
on the lattice
Speaker at
Adjoint fermions at large-
- K. Utku Can (The University of Adelaide)
Simon Catterall
- Speaker at 't Hooft anomalies for staggered fermions
- Marco Cè (AEC and ITP, Universität Bern)
- Elia Cellini
- Amine Chabane (Goethe University)
- Volodymyr Chelnokov (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University, Frankfurt)
- Leonardo Chimirri (HU Berlin & Desy Zeuthen)
- Benjamin Jaedon Choi (Seoul National University)
- Nuha Chreim
- Barbara Cid-Mora (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
Kate Clark
- Speaker at Maximizing the Bang Per Bit
- David Anthony Clarke (Bielefeld University)
- Giuseppe Clemente (DESY - Zeuthen)
- Sara Collins (University of Regensburg)
- Brian Colquhoun (University of Glasgow)
- Alessandro Conigli (IFT UAM-CSIC)
- Martha Constantinou (Temple University)
- Marios Costa (University of Cyprus)
- Ilaria Costa
- Alessandro Cotellucci (Humboldt University Berlin)
- Arianna Crippa
Christopher Culver
(University of Liverpool)
- Speaker at Quantum computing for lattice supersymmetry
- Kimmy Cushman (Yale University)
- Francesca Cuteri (Goethe University)
- Alfredo D'Ambrosio (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität)
- Francesco D'Angelo (University of Pisa and INFN)
Jorge Luis Dasilva Golán
(IFT-UAM, Madrid, Spain.)
- Speaker at SU(N) fractional instantons
- Shanette De La Motte (University of Adelaide)
Luigi Del Debbio
- Speaker at Inverse Problems in PDF determinations
- Joseph Delmar (Temple University)
- Yannick Dengler
Alessandro De Santis
(INFN, Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
- Speaker at Probing the R-ratio on the lattice
- William Detmold (MIT)
- Navdeep Singh Dhindsa (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali, India)
- Matteo Di Carlo (University of Edinburgh)
- Francesco Di Renzo (Università di Parma and INFN)
- Dalibor Djukanovic
Elizabeth Dobson
(University of Graz)
- Speaker at The spectrum of GUT-like gauge-scalar models
Jack Dodson
(Temple University)
- Speaker at Chiral-even twist-3 GPDs for the proton
- Zack Draper (University of Washington)
- Stephan Durr (University of Wuppertal and Julich Supercomputing Centre)
- Colin Egerer (Jefferson Lab)
- Timo Eichhorn (University of Wuppertal)
- Michael Engelhardt (New Mexico State University)
- Felix Erben (University of Edinburgh)
- Antonio Evangelista
Jacob Finkenrath
- Speaker at Review on Algorithms for dynamical fermions
- George T. Fleming (Yale University )
- Olmo Francesconi (University of Southern Denmark)
Anthony Francis
- Speaker at OpenLAT
- Speaker at Translating topological benefits in very cold master-field simulations
- Fabian Justus Frech
- Julien Frison (DESY ZPPT/NIC)
- Patrick Fritzsch (Trinity College Dublin)
Michael Fromm
Speaker at
Lattice Gauge Theory on the Quantum Annealer
Speaker at
- Masafumi Fukuma (Kyoto University)
- Lena Funcke (MIT)
- Sadataka Furui (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
- Giuseppe Gagliardi (INFN Sezione di Roma Tre)
- Enkhtuya Galsandorj (Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences)
- Xiang Gao
Eduardo Garnacho Velasco
(Bielefeld University)
- Speaker at Anomalous transport phenomena on the lattice
Marco Garofalo
(Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
Speaker at
Three particle resonance in lattice
Speaker at
Three particle resonance in lattice
Nicolas Garron
- Speaker at An update on RI/IMOM schemes
- Christof Gattringer (Austrian Science Fund FWF and University of Graz, Austria)
Luke Gayer
- Speaker at Excited and Exotic B, B_s and B_c mesons
Milad Ghanbarpour
(Institut für Theoretische Physik, Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen)
- Speaker at Quarks and Triality in a Finite Volume
Fernando Gil Domínguez
- Speaker at Quark mass dependence of hadron resonances
- Davide Giusti (University of Regensburg)
- Anna-Maria Elisabeth Glück (Yale University & Universität Heidelberg)
- Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University)
- Jishnu Goswami (RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
Steven Gottlieb
(Indiana University)
- Speaker at Hadronic Vacuum Polarization: A Window on the muon g-2 mystery
- Speaker at MILC
- Anthony Grebe (MIT)
Jeremy Green
(Trinity College Dublin)
- Speaker at Nucleon-nucleon scattering from distillation
- Christiane Gross (uni-bonn)
- Roman Gruber (ETH Zürich)
- Jana N. Guenther (University of Wuppertal)
Feng-Kun Guo
- Speaker at Exotic hadrons from an EFT perspective
Rajan Gupta
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at JLab/W&M/LANL/MIT
- Speaker at Nucleon charges, moments, and form factors from 2+1-flavor lattice QCD
- Daniel Hackett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Andrew Hanlon (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz, JGU)
- Alec Hannaford Gunn (The University of Adelaide)
- Max Hansen (University of Edinburgh)
- Robert Harlander
- Tim Harris (University of Edinburgh)
- Anna Hasenfratz (University of Boulder)
- Yui Hayashi (YITP, Kyoto University)
- Gregorio Herdoiza (IFT UAM-CSIC)
- Nils Hermansson-Truedsson (Lund University)
- José Javier Hernández Hernández (Bielefeld University)
- Herodotos Herodotou
Ryan Hill
(University of Edinburgh)
Speaker at
decays with physical mass light-quarks
Speaker at
- Mitsuaki Hirasawa (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
- Dominic Hirtler
- Raoul Hodgson (University of Edinburgh)
- Martin Hoferichter (University of Bern)
- Jakob Hoffmann (Goethe University, Frankfurt)
- Jack Holligan (University of Maryland)
- Roman Höllwieser
- Roger Horsley (University of Edinburgh)
Leon Hostetler
(Michigan State University)
- Speaker at Symmetry breaking in an extended-O(2) model
- Paul Hotzy (TU Wien)
- Ho Hsiao (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
- Renwick Hudspith (GSI Darmstadt)
- Nikolai Husung (University of Southampton)
Etsuko Itou
- Speaker at Bump of sound velocity in dense 2-color QCD
- Andrew Jackura (Old Dominion University & Jefferson Lab)
- Benjamin Jaeger (University of Southern Denmark)
- Timo Jakobs (uni-bonn)
- Karl Jansen (DESY)
- William Jay (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Daniel Jenkins (University of Regensburg)
Hwancheol Jeong
(Indiana University)
- Speaker at Two-link Staggered Quark Smearing in QUDA
- Fabian Joswig (The University of Edinburgh)
- Seungyeob Jwa (Seoul National University)
- Olaf Kaczmarek (University of Bielefeld)
- Saurabh Vasant Kadam (University of Maryland, College Park, US)
- Reinhold Kaiser
- Waseem Kamleh (University of Adelaide)
Issaku Kanamori
(RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
- Speaker at Bridge++ 2.0: Benchmark results on supercomputer Fugaku
- Speaker at JLQCD
- Speaker at Thermodynamics with Möbius domain wall fermions near physical point (II)
- Kazuyuki Kanaya (University of Tsukuba)
- Christopher Kane (University of Arizona)
Takashi Kaneko
- Speaker at Heavy flavor physics from lattice QCD
- Gurtej Kanwar (University of Bern)
- Ruben Kara (University of Wuppertal)
Joseph Karpie
- Speaker at Gluon Structure from Lattice QCD
- Frithjof Karsch (Bielefeld University)
- Ryan Kellermann
- Christopher Kelly (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Mostafa Khalil
(Wuppertal Uinversity)
- Speaker at MLMC++ as a variance reduction method
- Jangho Kim (FZJ)
- Javad Komijani (ETH Zurich)
- Christoph Konrad (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
- Jonna Koponen
Tomasz Korzec
(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
- Speaker at Heavy Quarks in a Can and the QCD Coupling
Bartosz Kostrzewa
(Univ. of Bonn, High Performance Computing & Analytics Lab)
- Speaker at ETMC
- Speaker at Twisted mass ensemble generation on GPU machines
- Andrey Kotov (Juelich Forschungszentrum)
- Giannis Koutsou (The Cyprus Institute)
Tamas G. Kovacs
(Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest)
- Speaker at Topology and the Dirac spectrum in hot QCD
- Ardit Krasniqi
- Marina Krstic Marinkovic (ETH Zurich)
- Simon Kuberski (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz)
- Justus Kuhlmann (WWU Münster)
- Stefan Kühn
- Arpith Kumar (IISER Mohali)
Yoshinobu Kuramashi
(University of Tsukuba )
- Speaker at PACS
- Takaaki Kuwahara (Shizuoka University)
- Henry Lamm (Fermilab)
- Fabian Lange (KIT)
- Rasmus Larsen (University of Stavanger)
- Davide Laudicina (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Weonjong Lee
(Seoul National University)
Speaker at
2022 update of
with lattice QCD inputs
Speaker at
2022 update of
- Jong-Wan Lee (Pusan National University)
- Frank Lee (George Washington University)
Christoph Lehner
(University of Regensburg)
- Speaker at GPT
- Speaker at RBC/UKQCD update of the HVP contribution to the muon g-2
- Viljami Leino (Technical University Munich)
- Luka Leskovec (Jozef Stefan Institute)
- Joshua Lin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Vitalii Lisovskyi (TU Dortmund)
- Liuming Liu (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Keh-Fei Liu (University of Kentucky)
- Cristiane Yumi London (Universidade de São Paulo)
- Jonathan Lozano de la Parra (uni-bonn)
- Jens Lücke (Humboldt University Berlin)
- Alessandro Lupo (University of Edinburgh)
- Michael Lynch
- Andrew Lytle (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Padmanath Madanagopalan (Helmholtz Institut Mainz)
Maxim Mai
- Speaker at Multihadron resonances in a finite volume
Lorenzo Maio
(University of Pisa and INFN section of Pisa)
- Speaker at QCD phase diagram in a magnetic background
- Michael Mandl (FSU)
- Alessandro Mariani (University of Bern)
- Jesuel Marques Leal Junior (Maynooth University / University of São Paulo)
- Adeilton Dean Marques Valois (Bielefeld University)
- Michael Marshall (The University of Edinburgh)
Joe Marsh Rossney
(University of Edinburgh)
- Speaker at Machine Learning Trivializing Maps
- Sofie Martins (University of Southern Denmark)
- David Mason (Swansea University)
- Nobuyuki Matsumoto (RIKEN/BNL)
- Akira Matsumoto (RIKEN iTHEMS)
Robert Mawhinney
(Columbia University)
- Speaker at RBC-UKQCD
- Speaker at Scale Setting for RBC-UKQCD 2+1 flavor Domain Wall Fermion Lattices
- Julian Mayer-Steudte (Technical University of Munich)
- Filippo Mazzetti (Roma Tre University)
- Emanuele Mendicelli (York University)
- Lu Meng (Ruhr University of Bochum)
- Harvey B. Meyer (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Aaron Meyer
(University of California, Berkeley)
- Speaker at Neutrino Oscillation and Lattice QCD
- Nils Meyer (Universität Regensburg)
- Daniel Mohler (TU Darmstadt)
- Christopher Monahan (William & Mary)
- Lasse Mueller (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Rajnandini Mukherjee (University of Southampton)
- Fabian Müller (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
- Kotaro Murakami (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
- Sophie Mutzel (CPT Marseille)
Katsumasa Nakayama
- Speaker at Casimir effect for fermions on the lattice
- Yusuke Namekawa (Kyoto Univ)
- Manuel Naviglio (Pisa U., INFN)
- Jan Neuendorf (WWU Münster)
- Marius Neumann (Bielefeld University)
- Sarah Neuwirth (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
- Phuong Nguyen (TU Munich / Intel)
- Amy Nicholson (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Patrick Oare (MIT)
- Shigemi Ohta (IPNS, KEK)
- Felipe Ortega Gama (William & Mary)
- Johann Ostmeyer (HISKP Bonn)
- Konstantin Ottnad (University of Mainz)
Evan Owen
(Boston University)
- Speaker at The critical Ising model on an affine plane
Ben Page
(Swansea University)
- Speaker at Novel bottomonium spectral results
- JEONGHWAN PAK (Seoul National Univercity)
- Laurin Pannullo (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Sungwoo Park
( Jefferson Lab)
- Speaker at Update on flavor diagonal nucleon charges
Gaurang Parkar
(University Of Stavanger)
- Speaker at Complex potential at T>0 from fine lattices
- Julian Parrino (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
- William Parrott (University of Glasgow)
- Attila Pasztor (Eotvos University, Budapest)
- Pratitee Pattanaik
- Srijit Paul (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Giovanni Pederiva (Michigan State University)
- Juan Pedersen
- Robert Perry (Institute of Physics National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
- Toby Peterken (University of Edinburgh)
- Curtis Peterson (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Pia Leonie Jones Petrak (University of Münster)
- Marcus Petschlies (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
- Martin Pflaumer
- Owe Philipsen (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
- Niklas Pielmeier (Universität Wuppertal)
- Joao C. Pinto Barros (ETH Zürich)
- Fernando Pinto Gómez (Universidad Pablo de Oliavide)
- Ludovica Pirelli (INFN & Università Tor Vergata)
- Nelson Pitanga Lachini (University of Edinburgh)
- Ferenc Pittler (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
- Antonin Portelli (The University of Edinburgh)
- Connor Powers (University of Maryland)
- Sasa Prelovsek (University of Ljubljana, Jozef Stefan Institute)
- Gustavo Ramirez-Hidalgo (Univer)
Alberto Ramos
(University of Valencia - IFIC)
- Speaker at Testing universality of gauge theories
Alberto Ramos Martinez
- Speaker at Testing universality of gauge theories
- Bernd Riederer (University of Graz)
- Tobias Rindlisbacher (AEC, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern)
- Andreas Risch (DESY, NIC)
- Matthew Rizik (Michigan State University)
- Arkaitz Rodas (College of William and Mary)
- Marcel Rodekamp (Forschungszentrum Juelich, University Bonn)
- Artem Roenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Fernando Romero-Lopez (MIT)
- Simone Romiti (uni-bonn)
- Giancarlo Rossi (University of Roma Tor Vergata)
- Alexander Rothkopf (University of Stavanger)
- Philip Rouenhoff (University of Wuppertal)
- Matteo Saccardi (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Mitja Sadl
(Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana)
Speaker at
Charmonium-like states with
and isospin 1
Speaker at
Charmonium-like states with
- Alejandro Saez (IFT UAM-CSIC)
- Keita Sakai (Tohoku University)
- Ryo Sakai (Syracuse University)
- Nicholas Sale (Swansea University)
- Miguel Salg (University of Mainz)
Bharath Sambasivam
(Syracuse University)
- Speaker at Quantum Computing for Open Systems
- Miguel Teseo San José Pérez (IJCLab)
- Mugdha Sarkar (NCTS/NTU)
- Kohei Sato (University of Tsukuba)
- David Schaich (University of Liverpool)
- Marc Schiffer (Perimeter Institute)
- Nikolas Schlage (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
- Carolin Schlosser (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Christian Schmidt
(Bielefeld University)
- Speaker at Fourier coefficients of the net-baryon number density
- Speaker at HotQCD
- Christian Schneider (University of Siegen)
- Alexander Segner (Johannes-Gutenberg Universität)
- Aniket Sen (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
- Daniel Severt (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
- Phiala Shanahan (MIT)
- Sipaz Sharma (Bielefeld University)
Stephen Sharpe
(University of Washington)
Speaker at
and interactions from the lattice
Speaker at
- Shihang Shen
- Angel Sherletov (University of Liverpool)
- Andrea Shindler (Michigan State University)
- Hai-Tao Shu (Regensburg University)
- Donald Sinclair (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Gaurav Sinha Ray (University of Plymouth)
- Rose Smail (The University of Adelaide)
- Antonio Smecca (University of Turin)
Wolfgang Soeldner
(University of Regensburg)
- Speaker at CLS
- Speaker at Details of RQCD analyses on CLS ensembles
- Ivan Soler (University of Jena)
- Rainer Sommer (DESY Zeuthen, Humboldt Berlin)
Felix Sp
(University of Liverpool)
- Speaker at Density of states for gravitational waves
- Gregoris Spanoudes (The Cyprus Institute)
- Thomas Spriggs (Swansea University)
Finn Stokes
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Speaker at
and from staggered QCD
Speaker at
- Jesse Stryker (University of Maryland, College Park)
- Raza Sufian (William & Mary / Jefferson Lab)
Peng Sun
(Nanjing Normal University)
- Speaker at CLQCD
peng sun
- Speaker at CLQCD
- Joshua Swaim (University of Connecticut)
Nazario Tantalo
(University and INFN of Rome Tor Vergata)
- Speaker at Matching lattice QC+ED to Nature
- Jacopo Tarello (The Cyprus Institute)
- Paola Tavella (ETH)
- Guilherme Telo (IFIC - Valencia)
- Rishabh Thakkar (Indian Institute of science)
- Goksu Toga (Syracuse University)
- Masaaki Tomii
- Akio Tomiya (IPUT Osaka)
- Csaba Török (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
- Bálint Tóth (University of Wuppertal)
- J Tobias Tsang (CERN, (prev. The University of Southern Denmark))
- Ryutaro Tsuji (Tohoku University)
- Zoltan Tulipant
- Wolfgang Unger (Bielefeld University)
Carsten Urbach
(Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
Speaker at
Defining Canonical Momenta for Discretised SU
Gauge Fields - Speaker at Welcome and Announcements
Speaker at
Defining Canonical Momenta for Discretised SU
- Julian Urban (ITP Heidelberg)
- Juan Andres Urrea Nino (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
- Davide Vadacchino (University of Plymouth)
Alejandro Vaquero Avilés-Casco
(University of Utah)
Speaker at
semileptonic decays at non-zero recoil
Speaker at
- Lukas Varnhorst (University of Wuppertal)
- Willem Verplanke (CPT Marseille)
- Reka Agnes Vig (University of Wuppertal)
- Ludovico Vittorio (SNS, Pisa)
- Georg von Hippel (JGU Mainz)
Michael Wagman
- Speaker at Two-baryon variational spectroscopy
- Marc Wagner (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Mathias Wagner
- Speaker at Avoiding the Jam
Andre Walker-Loud
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Speaker at MPI Job Manager
- Speaker at Nucleon form factors with sLapH OR nucleon-pion sigma term from MDWF on HISQ
- Lisa Walter (Regensburg University)
Gen Wang
- Speaker at Muon g-2 with overlap valence fermions
- Neill Warrington (Institute for Nuclear Theory)
- Johannes Heinrich Weber (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Urs Wenger (University of Bern)
- Michael Westh Hansen (University of Graz)
- Travis Whyte (College of William & Mary)
Uwe-Jens Wiese
(University of Bern, Switzerland)
- Speaker at Charged Particles in C-periodic Volumes
Matthew Wingate
(University of Cambridge)
Speaker at
and decays of the meson
Speaker at
- Marc Winstel (Goethe University)
- Christopher Winterowd (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Hartmut Wittig
- Oliver Witzel (University Siegen)
- Chik Him (Ricky) Wong
Shuhei Yamamoto
(The Cyprus Institute)
- Speaker at Running HMC Simulations with Python via QUDA
- Takeshi Yamazaki (University of Tsukuba)
- Jun-Sik Yoo (LANL)
Cagin Yunus
- Speaker at Infinite Variance in Fermionic Systems
- Kevin Zambello (University of Pisa and INFN - Sezione di Pisa)
James Zanotti
(University of Adelaide)
- Speaker at KWA ceremony and presentation
- Speaker at The momentum sum rule via the Feynman Hellmann theorem
- Yu Zhang (RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
- Dianjun Zhao (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Felix Ziegler
(The University of Edinburgh)
- Speaker at QCD equation of state via the complex Langevin method
- Speaker at Solvers for Wilson fermions in Grid
Fabian Zierler
(University of Graz)
Speaker at
Dark Isosinglet Mesons in
gauge theory
Speaker at
Dark Isosinglet Mesons in
- Falk Zimmermann (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
- Christian Zimmermann (CPT Marseille)