Gen Wang
(Centre de Physique Théorique de Marseille)
We present a lattice calculation of the window contribution ($t_0=0.4~\mathrm{fm}$, $t_1=1.0~\mathrm{fm}$, $\Delta=0.15~\mathrm{fm}$) of the leading order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2 using overlap valence fermions on 4 physical-point ensembles. Two 2+1 flavor ensembles use the domain wall fermion (DWF) and Iwasaki gauge actions at $a = 0.084$ and 0.114 fm, and two 2+1+1 flavor ensembles use the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) actions and Symanzik gauge actions at $a = 0.088$ and 0.121 fm. For $a^{\rm W}_{{\rm con}, l}$, we find that our results on the two smaller lattice spacings are consistent with those using the unitary setup, but those at the two coarser lattice spacings have small differences.
Primary authors
Gen Wang
(Centre de Physique Théorique de Marseille)
Terrence Draper
(University of Kentucky)
Keh-Fei Liu
(University of Kentucky)
Yi-Bo Yang