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Aug 8 – 13, 2022
Hörsaalzentrum Poppelsdorf
Europe/Berlin timezone

Distribution of energy-momentum tensor around static quarks in SU(3) gauge theory at high temperature

Aug 9, 2022, 7:00 PM
Poster Presentation QCD at Non-zero Temperature Poster


Mrs Enkhtuya Galsandorj (Laboratory of Theoretical and High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences)


In this study, we explore the distribution of energy-momentum tensor around the static quark and antiquark in SU(3) pure gauge theory at finite temperature. Double extrapolated transverse distributions on mid-plane of the flux tube have been presented for the first time at nonzero temperature. Also, we investigate the spatial distributions of the flux tube on the source plane obtaining from the stress tensor for several $q\bar{q}$ separations and temperatures above and below the critical temperature. The resultant distributions show the detailed structure of the flux tube. Finally, we show the dependence of $F_{stress}$ that is computed from the integral of the stress tensor on the distance between the quark and antiquark on a finer lattice.

Primary author

Mrs Enkhtuya Galsandorj (Laboratory of Theoretical and High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences)


Dr Sodbileg Chagdaa (Laboratory of Theoretical and High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences) Mr Battogtokh Purev (Laboratory of Theoretical and High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences) Ms Munkhzaya Batgerel (Laboratory of Theoretical and High Energy Physics, Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials