C. Culver: "Extracting the a1(1260) finite- volume spectrum with elongated lattices"
F. Romero: "Applications and developments of the relativistic three-particle formalism"
S. Kadam: "Path from lattice QCD to neutrinoless double-beta decay amplitude"
A. Hanlon: "Two- and Three-meson systems beyond s-wave from lattice QCD"
M. Garofalo: "Scattering from generalized lattice $\phi^4$ theory"
Z. Draper: "Extending the applicability of 3-particle quantization conditions"
S. Aoki: "Recent results in HAL QCD method"
J. Bulava: "The nucleon-pion scattering lengths from lattice QCD at $m_{p\i} = 200{\rm MeV}$"
C. Thomas: "DpiK scattering and charm meson resonances from lattice QCD"
F. Mueller: "Relativistic invariance of the NREFT three-particle quantization condition"
F. Lee: "Multihadron scattering in elongated boxes"
P. Shanahan: "Finite Volume Pionless Effective Field Theory for lattice QCD calculations of nuclei"
D. Wilson: "Resonances in coupled-channel scattering"
D. Severt: "Towards the finite-volume spectrum of the Roper resonance"
M. Döring: "Simple three-pion and kaon systems from lattice QCD"
W. Detmold: "Unresolving the NN controversy"
R. Briceño: "Long-range electroweak processes involving few-hadron states"
M. Hansen: "Extending the validity of Lüscher’s scattering formalism to the t-channel cut"
M. Ebert: "Non-perturbative range corrections and spurious poles in finite volume"
S. Elhatisari: "Lattice Effective Field Theory for Light and Medium-Mass Nuclei"
P. Guo: "Particles interaction in artificial traps"
H. Wittig: "Hadronic interactions from lattice QCD with O(a) improved Wilson fermions"
A. Nogga: "Few body hypernuclei"
E. Epelbaum: "Two-nucleon scattering from finite-volume energies"