We discuss the conversion of our lattice result for the hadronic running of the electromagnetic coupling, $\Delta\alpha(-Q^2)$, computed for Euclidean momenta into an estimate for $\Delta\alpha^{(5)}_{\rm had}(M_Z^2)$ using the Euclidean split technique (Adler function approach). We focus specifically on the running in the spacelike regime from momentum scales below $7\,\rm GeV^2$ up to $M_Z^2$, which can be determined either in perturbative QCD or by using dispersion theory and experimentally determined hadronic cross sections. A detailed comparison with results from other lattice calculations and phenomenology is performed. We present an in-depth discussion of the relation to lattice estimates of the hadronic vacuum polarisation contribution to the muon $g-2$ and the implications for global electroweak fits.