The new UPS is installed and requires a run time test. This takes place Monday, January 27th, 2025, 08:00 - 12:00. A downtime of this service might occur.

8–13 Aug 2022
Hörsaalzentrum Poppelsdorf
Europe/Berlin timezone

RG-running of the tensor currents for $N_{f}$= 3 QCD in a $\chi$SF setup

11 Aug 2022, 12:10
CP1-HSZ/0.002 (CP1-HSZ) - HS4 (CP1-HSZ)

CP1-HSZ/0.002 (CP1-HSZ) - HS4


Show room on map
Oral Presentation Standard Model Parameters Standard Model Parameters


Ludovica Pirelli (INFN & Università Tor Vergata)


We perform the complete non-perturbative running of the flavour non-singlet
tensor operator from hadronic to elecroweak scales in $N_{f}$= 3
massless QCD, comparing four different definitions of the renormalisation
constant. We use the same configuration ensembles of arXiv:1802.05243,
subject to Schrödinger Functional (SF) boundary conditions, whereas
we use valence quarks with ($\chi$SF) boundary conditions, which
results in $O(a)$ improvement for observables after tuning of boundary
counterterms. Following the recent ALPHA strategy, we exploit two
different running couplings: at high energies ($\mu$ $>\sim$2GeV)
we use a SF-type coupling, while at low energies ($\mu$ $<\sim$2GeV)
a Gradient Flow (GF)-type coupling.

Primary authors

Isabel Campos Plasencia (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES)) Mattia Dalla Brida (CERN) Giulia Maria de Divitiis (University of Rome Tor Ver- gata and INFN) Andrew Lytle (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Mauro Papinutto (”Sapienza” Universita‘ di Roma) Ludovica Pirelli (INFN & Università Tor Vergata) Anastassios Vladikas (INFN)

Presentation materials