The new UPS is installed and requires a run time test. This takes place Monday, January 27th, 2025, 08:00 - 12:00. A downtime of this service might occur.

8–13 Aug 2022
Hörsaalzentrum Poppelsdorf
Europe/Berlin timezone

Towards the continuum limit of nucleon form factors at the physical point using lattice QCD

9 Aug 2022, 17:10
CP1-HSZ/1.002 (CP1-HSZ) - HS6 (CP1-HSZ)

CP1-HSZ/1.002 (CP1-HSZ) - HS6


Show room on map
Oral Presentation Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Ryutaro Tsuji (Tohoku University)


We present results of nucleon structure studies measured in 2+1 flavor QCD with the physical light quarks ($m_\pi$ = 135 MeV) in a large spatial extent of about 10 fm. Our calculations are carried out with the PACS10 gauge configurations generated by the PACS Collaboration with the stout-smeared $O(a)$ improved Wilson fermions and Iwasaki gauge action at $\beta$=1.82 and 2.00 corresponding to the lattice spacings of 0.085 fm (coarser) and 0.063 fm (finer) respectively. When we compute nucleon two-point and three-point functions, the all-mode-averaging technique is employed in order to reduce the statistical errors significantly without increasing computational costs. At both lattice spacings, we evaluate nucleon form factors associated with lepton-nucleon elastic scattering measurements.

Primary author

Ryutaro Tsuji (Tohoku University)


Dr Ken-Ichi Ishikawa (Hiroshima University) Dr Eigo Shintani (University of Tsukuba) Dr Yasumichi Aoki (RIKEN R-CCS) Dr Yoshinobu Kuramashi (University of Tsukuba ) Dr Shoichi Sasaki (Tohoku University) Dr Takeshi Yamazaki (University of Tsukuba)

Presentation materials