We present the current status of our analyis of nucleon structure observables including isovector charges and twist-2 matrix elements as well as the nucleon mass. Results are computed on a large set of CLS $N_f=2+1$ gauge ensembles with $M_\pi\approx 0.130\mathrm{MeV} \ldots 350\mathrm{MeV}$, four values of the lattice spacing $a\approx0.05\mathrm{fm}\ldots0.09\mathrm{fm}$ and covering a large range of physical volumes. Compared to the results presented at last year's conference we have added data on a very fine and large box at small light quark mass ($T\times L^3 =192\times 96^3$, $M_\pi=172\mathrm{MeV}$, $a=0.05\mathrm{fm}$). Besides, additional (intermediate) source-sink separations have been computed on the coarser ensembles, further increasing effective statistics and allowing for a more fine-grained control in the treatment of the excited state contamination. Excited states in the nucleon matrix elements are tamed by a simultaneous, two-state fit ansatz using the summation method. The physical extrapolation for all observables including the nucleon mass can be carried out in a global fit.