The new UPS is installed and requires a run time test. This takes place Monday, January 27th, 2025, 08:00 - 12:00. A downtime of this service might occur.

8–13 Aug 2022
Hörsaalzentrum Poppelsdorf
Europe/Berlin timezone

Log-enhanced discretization errors in integrated correlation functions

11 Aug 2022, 11:30
CP1-HSZ/0.002 (CP1-HSZ) - HS4 (CP1-HSZ)

CP1-HSZ/0.002 (CP1-HSZ) - HS4


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Oral Presentation Standard Model Parameters Standard Model Parameters


Rainer Sommer (DESY)


Integrated time-slice correlation functions $C(t)$ with weights $K(t)$ appear e.g. in
the moments method to determine $\alpha_s$ from heavy quark correlators,
in the muon g-2 determination or in the determination of smoothed spectral
functions. We show that the short distance part of the integral may lead to $\log(a)$-enhanced
discretization errors when $C(t)K(t) \sim t $ for small $t$. Starting from the Symanzik expansion
of the integrand we derive the asymptotic convergence of the integral at small lattice spacing.

For the (tree-level-) normalized moment $R_4$ of the heavy-heavy pseudo-scalar correlator $R_4$
we have non-perturbative results down to $a=10^{-2}$ fm and for masses, $m$, of the order of the charm
mass. A bending of the curve as a function of $a^2 m^2$ is observed at small lattice
spacings. We try to understand the behavior and extract an improved continuum limit.

Primary authors

Leonardo Chimirri (HU Berlin & Desy Zeuthen) Rainer Sommer (DESY) Nikolai Husung (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials