We present a lattice calculation of the window contribution ($t_0=0.4~\mathrm{fm}$, $t_1=1.0~\mathrm{fm}$, $\Delta=0.15~\mathrm{fm}$) of the leading order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2 using overlap valence fermions on 4 physical-point ensembles. Two 2+1 flavor ensembles use the domain wall fermion (DWF) and Iwasaki gauge actions at $a = 0.084$ and 0.114 fm, and two 2+1+1 flavor ensembles use the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) actions and Symanzik gauge actions at $a = 0.088$ and 0.121 fm. For $a^{\rm W}_{{\rm con}, l}$, we find that our results on the two smaller lattice spacings are consistent with those using the unitary setup, but those at the two coarser lattice spacings have small differences.