Manjunath Bhat
(Adam Mickiewicz University)
Precise exploration of the partonic structure of the nucleon is one of
the most important aims of high-energy physics. In recent years, it has
become possible to address this topic with first-principle Lattice QCD
investigations. In this talk, we focus on the so-called
pseudo-distribution approach to determine the isovector unpolarized
PDFs. In particular, we employ three lattice spacings to study
discretization effects and extract the distributions in the continuum
limit, at a pion mass of around 370 MeV. Also, for the first time with
pseudo-PDFs, we explore effects of the 2-loop matching from pseudo- to
light-cone distributions.
Primary authors
Aurora Scapellato
(Temple University)
Jeremy R Green
(School of Mathematics and Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Trinity College)
Krzysztof Cichy
(Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University)
Manjunath Bhat
(Adam Mickiewicz University)
Martha Constantinou
(Temple University)
Wojciech Chomicki
(Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University)