We give an update on the ongoing effort of the RC$^\star$ collaboration to generate fully dynamical QCD+QED configurations with C$^\star$ boundary conditions using the openQ$^\star$D code. The simulations are tuned to the U-symmetric point ($m_d=m_s$) with pions at $m_{\pi^{\pm}} \approx 400$ MeV. The splitting of the light mesons is used as one of three tuning observables and fixed to $m_{K^0}-m_{K^{\pm}} \approx 5$ MeV and $m_{K^0}-m_{K^{\pm}} \approx 25$ MeV on ensembles with renormalized electromagnetic coupling $\alpha_R \approx \alpha_{\text{phys.}}$ and $\alpha_R \approx 5.5 \alpha_{\text{phys.}}$ respectively. In this talk we will discuss some details concerning our tuning strategy, we will present our calculation of the meson and baryon masses, and we will comment on finite-volume effects comparing meson masses on two different volumes with $m_{\pi^\pm}L \approx 3.2$ and $m_{\pi^\pm}L \approx 5.1$. Finally, we will also present a cost analysis for our simulations. More technical details will be discussed in the companion poster presented by A. Cotellucci.