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Porting the COLA software library to AMD

8 Aug 2022, 14:00
CP1-HSZ/0.002 (CP1-HSZ) - HS4 (CP1-HSZ)

CP1-HSZ/0.002 (CP1-HSZ) - HS4


Show room on map
Oral Presentation Software development and Machines Software development and Machines


Waseem Kamleh (University of Adelaide)


COLA is a software library for lattice QCD written in modern Fortran and NVIDIA CUDA. Intel and NVIDIA have dominated the HPC domain for a long time, but the status quo has been changed with the recent advent of AMD-based systems in the supercomputing Top`500. Setonix is a next generation Cray AMD machine currently being installed at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Perth, Australia. Setonix features both AMD CPUs and AMD Instinct GPUs. This talk will describe first experiences with porting COLA to the AMD platform.

Primary author

Waseem Kamleh (University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials