Elizabeth Dobson
(University of Graz)
Past lattice simulations tentatively suggested that the spectrum of observable particles in BSM theories is qualitatively different than perturbatively expected. We expand on this using a GUT-like toy theory, SU(3) Yang-Mills coupled to a scalar `Higgs' in the fundamental representation. We show the most comprehensive spectroscopy to date, including all channels up to spin 2., and find it indeed in disagreement with perturbative expectations.
The discrepancy can be traced back to nontrivial field-theoretical effects arising from the requirement of gauge invariance. These results still appear to be consistent with a mechanism proposed by Fröhlich, Morchio and Strocchi, giving a possible analytical approach.
Primary authors
Axel Maas
(University of Graz)
Elizabeth Dobson
(University of Graz)
Bernd Riederer
(University of Graz)