BCTP Seminar room (Wegelerstr. 10 - Seminar Room 2.019 - 53115 Bonn). Directions can be found here: https://www.bctp.uni-bonn.de/information/travel-information
High dimensional (SM)EFT fits with large number of free parameters. Overarching goal: "No Lose theorem" for future colliders: Which combination of deviations from the SM aty low energies (gmin2, etc) would guarantee a statistically significant distortion of spectrums (or more clear signals) at (a) future collider(s)
How to determine or even define "intrinsic" systematic uncertainties of Neural Network based classifiers. One approach might be adversarial attacks, which are studied within the AISafety Project of BMBF
EFT strategies and synergies in global fits
Challenges in LFT: increase of computational power over network (communication avoiding algorithms, data compression); ergodicity for larger and finer QCD simulations; overcoming bulk lattice phases in BSM stimulations of very strong couplings