Sep 22 – 24, 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Information (Sept.21)

Please set up an Indico account prior to the registration and abstract submission. The Indico account allows you to later easily modify your data or abstract. (Since too many participants did not register in the indico system, we decided to rather use sciebo for up- and downloads, see below.) To make an account, please click Login button in the upper right corner! (Confirmation sometimes might take a day.)

However, registration is possible without the Indico account. You can also send the abstract by email to "".

All presentations should be live presentations, either in place or via zoom. The zoom link will be sent to registered participants via email. We plan to record all presentations and discussions with zoom (as mp4) and make them available to all participants. The link for downloading will also be sent to participants via email. In this way, participants from oversea can follow these at a more convenient time.

We will have to check the vaccination status for those attending the meeting in person. Please have the corresponding document at hand when arriving. According to the registration, all participants are vaccinated.

Hygiene and Safety Measures for the Workshop „Triboelectrochemistry“: 

These measures are based on the current „Coronaschutzverordnung“ (Corona-SchVO NRW) of 17.08.2021 / 02.0e9.21 together with Circular No. 70/2021 of 19.08.21 of the university of Bonn „New Corona Protection Ordinance, Effective 8/20/2021“ 

  1. All participants register prior to travelling with their address etc. under ‚‘, thus infections can be traced.
  2. A prerequisite for participation is complete vaccination (will be checked in place) or a negative PCR test.
  3. A medical or FFP2 mask is used until the seat is taken.
  4. Desinfectants will be supplied at the entrance.
  5. No handshaking etc!.
  6. Every second seat and every second row is left free.
  7. The seating of participants will be documented, e.g. by taking a picture. Participants agree with their signature.
  8. Regular ventilation (at least all 45 min.) will be ensured.
  9. If wheather allows, coffee etc. will be taken outdoors.
  10. All participants will be informed about these measures in English.
  11. Responsible for observing these measures is Prof. Baltruschat or someone authorized by him.