Particle Physics Seminar

The Hunt for Long-Lived Particles

by Federico Meloni (DESY)

Nußallee 12/1.049 (PI) - Conference Room II (PI)

Nußallee 12/1.049 (PI) - Conference Room II


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Abstract: Particles with unusually long lifetimes (called long-lived particles, or LLPs) are predicted in several well motivated new physics scenarios, and are a particularly active area of research, with connections to dark matter, at the LHC and beyond. LLPs can generate unconventional detector signatures that evade the constraints from traditional searches and require, to be observed, dedicated reconstruction techniques and detectors. 

My talk will present recent results from searches for LLPs using pp collision data collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. 

I will discuss these results in the broader context of LLP searches and highlight promising opportunities at future experimental facilities, such as the LUXE experiment at DESY. 


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Organized by

Maike Hansen, Saime Gürbüz