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Particle Physics Seminar

News from the IT department, Cluster best practices and a deep dive into file systems

by Michael Hübner, Dr Oliver Freyermuth (University of Bonn)

Kreuzbergweg 24/0.052 (FTD) - Präsentationsraum (FTD)

Kreuzbergweg 24/0.052 (FTD) - Präsentationsraum


Show room on map

In this new episode of our "News from the IT department" series, we will start with the usual news flash (including plans about our move to the new building), then focus on best practices for handling of data and code on computing clusters, and finally continue our "deep-dive" series with an in-depth look at
the concepts of some of the file systems we use.

We will present a short "behind the scenes" for CernVM-FS, the file system granting access to your favourite physics software provided by the community or by us and also all the "ContainerOS" on our cluster.
Afterwards, we'll delve into the basic concepts of Ceph which allows to build data storage on top of "just a bunch of disks" spread across several servers distributed over different buildings with redundancy and self-healing capabilities.
We will elaborate how this software-defined storage solution serves as backend for about 125 virtual machines, as file system on our computing cluster and for your home directories and finally also as backup storage.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 662 5356 7797
Passcode: 599591

Organized by

Maike Hansen, Saime Gürbüz