Particle Physics Seminar

The Muon Collider Study

by Dr Daniel Schulte (CERN)

Nußallee 12/1.049 (PI) - Conference Room II (PI)

Nußallee 12/1.049 (PI) - Conference Room II


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The muon collider concept promises a unique path to a high energy collider for particle physics that combines discovery potential and precision measurements. The very short lifetime of the muons requires a unique approach to the collider design. The growing International Muon Collider Collaboration is addressing the resulting technology and design challenges.

The presentation will introduce the muon collider concept, its key challenges and the R&D progress. It will also point to potential implementations and highlight some synergies with societal applications.


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Meeting ID: 662 5356 7797
Passcode: 599591

Organized by

Maike Hansen, Saime Gürbüz