25–27 Jun 2024
Universitätsclub Bonn, the University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

$\eta$ and $\eta'$ photoproduction on nucleons

25 Jun 2024, 14:00
Wolfgang Paul Hörsaal (Universitätsclub Bonn, the University of Bonn)

Wolfgang Paul Hörsaal

Universitätsclub Bonn, the University of Bonn

Konviktstraße 9, 53113 Bonn


Victor Kashevarov


The most interesting experimental data for η and η′ photoproduction on nucleons are presented. Besides, results of the phenomenological analysis of these reactions with updated version of EtaMAID model are discussed. The model well describes both differential cross sections and polarization observables at photon beam energies from the threshold upto 9 GeV. The nature of some interesting specifics in the data is discussed.

Presentation materials