Alessia Fantini
(INFN (sez "Tor <vergata"), University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
The Σ beam asymmetry in meson photoproduction off the nucleon is a very sensitive observable in the investigation of the nucleon structure. The BGOOD experiment at ELSA, with its linearly polarized γ beam and large solid angle detector, is an ideal facility for the detection of charged and neutral particle final states.
New results of Σ beam asymmetry will be presented for η photoproduction off the proton in the energy range 1250-1730 MeV; these results have been obtained analyzing at the same time all the available statistics from the main η decay channels with an original technique that allows to treat simultaneously periods with different efficiencies and polarization degrees.
Primary authors
Alessia Fantini
(INFN (sez "Tor <vergata"), University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
Rachele Anna Di Salvo
(INFN (sez "Tor <vergata"), University of Rome "Tor Vergata")