Bethe Forum
Multihadron dynamics in a box
9th - 13th September, 2019
Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics
Bonn, Germany
Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the study of three-particle systems in lattice QCD. Substantial progress has been achieved both in the development of the methods that enable one to extract infinite-volume observables from lattice data produced on finite-size lattices, as well as in Monte-Carlo calculations of the three-particle systems, but important recent developments in the two-particle sector will also be addressed, since these questions are inherently related to each other.
In particular, it is planned to discuss the following questions:
- What is the best strategy in the analysis of data in the three-particle sector?
What are the quantities to extract form the finite-volume sector?
- How the further progress in the field looks like after the derivation of the quantization condition (analysis of the data on the Roper resonance, three-particle decay matrix elements, etc.)?
- What are the present status and immediate perspectives of lattice simulations in the three-particle sector? For example, can one expect the calculation of the excited levels in the three-particle sector? Are the calculations in many-body (four and more) systems feasible in a forseeable future?
Speakers include:
- Andria Agadjanov (Mainz)
- Andrei Alexandru (Washington, DC)
- John Bulava (Odense)
- Chris Culver (Washington, DC)
- Zohreh Davoudi (College Park / RIKEN-BNL)
- Michael Döring (Washington, DC)
- Takumi Doi (RIKEN)
- Evgeny Epelbaum (Bochum)
- Peng Guo (Bakersfield)
- Hans-Werner Hammer (Darmstadt)
- Andrew D. Hanlon (Mainz)
- Max Hansen (CERN)
- Ben Hoerz (LBNL, Berkeley)
- Hermann Krebs (Bochum)
- Dean Lee (East Lansing)
- Daniel Mohler (Mainz)
- Fernando Romero Lopez (Valencia)
- Gerrit Schierholz (DESY Hamburg)
- Christopher Thomas (Cambridge)
- Jia-jun Wu (UCAS, Beijing)
- Maxim Mai (Washington, DC)
- Ulf-G. Meißner (Bonn / Jülich)
- Akaki Rusetsky (Bonn)
- Carsten Urbach (Bonn)