The SFB/Transregio 237 explores the mechanisms and functional consequences of Nucleic Acid Immunity. On the one hand, we focus on gaining fundamental insights into the specific molecular mechanisms that control the defense against pathogen-derived foreign nucleic acids. On the other hand, we address the functional role of this system in health and disease at the systemic level of the whole organism.
In our efforts, a variety of types of data will be created by imaging, FACS analysis, ELISA, arrays, genomics, proteomics, data of human patients, mice, cell lines, bacteria, and many more. An additional challenge will be the integration of these data in a multi-location research consortium.
The TRR237 will address these challenges from multiple angles in the central infrastructure project (INF):
- A team of bioinformaticians, researchers, and administrators will provide and monitor the structure of the INF project
- Data will be stored and archived locally (University's Infrastructure)
- Data will be exchanged via a TRR237 Server running Nextcloud (TRR237 Infrastructure)
- A Bioinformatician and a Data Steward provide administration of the TRR237 Server.
- Scientists are empowered in good scientific practice, the FAIR principles, data analysis, and management (Data Steward, Workshop, Data Policy)
By these and further measures, we aim to improve the quality of our data and cooperation for better research in our Transregio and research in general.