In anticipation of the full Run 3 data set and the High-Luminosity phase of the LHC, the computation of scattering amplitudes at high loop order and multiplicity is of high importance. One of the heaviest Standard Model signatures currently probed at the LHC is the production of a top-antitop quark pair in association with a W boson. It plays a crucial role in the search for physics beyond the...
The talk will present the antenna subtraction scheme and the current effort for its extension to N3LO. It will focus in particular on the initial-final antennae, where the radiating partons are both in the initial and final state. After an overview of the extension of the N2LO initial-final antennae to higher epsilon order, we will present the status for the calculation of N3LO initial-final...
Solving Feynman integral is essential for precision physics at colliders and lately also for gravitational waves predictions. When attempting to do so, at high orders in perturbation theory interesting structures appear. In this talk, I give an introduction on how geometrical information about such structures helps us solve these integrals. To show this, I provide examples of integrals with an...
An open problem in theoretical physics is to combine all four of the fundamental forces of nature into one single theory. Problematically, gravity has proven difficult to reconcile with the other forces. Recently, relationships between scattering amplitudes (the quantity related to the probability for an interaction to occur between two or more particles) in non-abelian gauge theories (such as...
We analyse the semileptonic decay of the $D_s$ meson, focusing on the $D_s \to X \ell \nu$ channel based on Extended Twisted mass ensembles at the physical pion mass value. On the basis of four-point correlation functions, we use the HLT reconstruction method to calculate the differential decay rate, allowing us to analyse the inclusive decay. The analysis is performed at four different...
The AI Alignment Problem involves aligning AI behavior with human intentions, addressing both technical and ethical concerns. In the first part of my talk, I exemplify the AI Alignment problem in the context of gender inequality in GPT4o. The AI Alignment problem effects also particle physics, where AI is essential for tasks like event tagging or event generation, and has the potential to...
The ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a leading tool for studying Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), a state of matter that existed shortly after the Big Bang. While heavy-ion collisions, particularly lead-lead (Pb-Pb), remain the primary method for probing QGP, ALICE also investigates proton- proton (pp) and proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions to explore reference data, small system...
The Higgs portal to BSM is very well motivated both theoretically and experimentally. We study long-lived BSM particles in the Higgs portal model, produced either from the decay of a B-meson or the Higgs boson. We discuss the search for these particles at future colliders, like the 100 TeV future collider experiment. Given the need to optimise the designs of dedicated LLP detectors for future...
A vital step in multi-loop Feynman integral calculations is tensor reduction. We present an efficient graphical approach to this problem and introduce OPITeR a code that implements this method for arbitrary tensor Feynman integrals. OPITeR can handle integrals of arbitrary loop up to tensor rank 20 with any number of spin indices. We present some applications in the context of R*...