21–25 Oct 2024
Bethe Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Continuous normalizing flows for lattice gauge theories

24 Oct 2024, 11:10
Wegelerstr. 10 - Seminar Room 2.019 - 53115 Bonn (Bethe Center)

Wegelerstr. 10 - Seminar Room 2.019 - 53115 Bonn

Bethe Center


Mr Pim de Haan


Continuous normalizing flows are known to be highly expressive and flexible, which allows for the easier incorporation of large symmetries and makes them a powerful tool for sampling in lattice field theories. Building on previous work, I will present a general continuous normalizing flow architecture for matrix Lie groups that are equivariant under group transformations. By applying it to lattice gauge theories in two dimensions as proof-of-principle experiments, I will show that it achieves competitive performance, making it plausibly a promising component in the toolbox for future lattice sampling tasks.

Presentation materials