Discussion with Industry Professionals
- Phoebe Sharp (George Washington University)
Discussion with Industry Professionals
- Yannick Wunderlich (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
Discussion with Industry Professionals
- Yannick Wunderlich (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
Discussion with Industry Professionals: Career Talk
- Yannick Wunderlich (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)
Discussion with Industry Professionals: Career Panel
- Phoebe Sharp (George Washington University)
Academic writing is a struggle for many young scientists as they are rarely given formal instruction on this topic. Since success in the academic field is highly dependent on publication, it is important that all researchers learn scientific writing essentials. With the appropriate toolkit, academic texts become comprehensive and interesting.
This talk will provide you with tips and tricks...
Born in war, nuclear science was first revealed to the world in horror. The Cold War, power plant disasters, and current political tensions continue to play into people’s fears of everything nuclear. Overcoming this perspective often feels like an almost insurmountable task. This talk will focus on strategies to lower the barrier in speaking of nuclear science to the general public including...
I will present d-fine, a large European consulting firm focused on analytical and quantitative challenges and the development of sustainable technological solutions.
In particular, I will discuss career paths at d-fine, and I will shed some light on d-fine's project portfolio. Zooming in on my own personal project history, I will give a sneak peek into applications of Fourier theory to the...
The presentation will provide an overview of how I understand current career-development opportunities in EU academia.
Many people in academia convinced: Data Science can be a rewarding alternative to academia, and academics do have many qualities that make them attractive candidates for data science roles.
The sad truth is that such transition can easily take a year and sometimes even longer. So this is a marathon. Accomplishing it faster and at the right place requires preparation. 'Preparation for...
Discoveries and technological advances spurred by the demands of fundamental physics research find applications in many disciplines, including providing benefit to society through the treatment and diagnosis of disease. Rather than survey the manifold applications of this topic, a few examples will be presented with some emphasis on the ''bench to bedside'' implementation of nuclear physics...
In this talk I will start from my own "mixed" career experience, between various EU countries and the US, to provide advice to young scientists interested in pursuing a career in fundamental research either in Europe or in America.