13–17 Nov 2023
Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics
Europe/Berlin timezone


Bethe Forum

Long-Lived Particles

November 13-17, 2023

Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Bonn, Germany

Searches for long-lived particles (LLPs) boost the discovery potential for physics beyond the Standard Model. Exploring particles through their decay length opens up a whole new world of possible particles with different lifetimes, masses and decay modes. The interpretation of such searches, however, is often limited by the underlying model and/or the experimental setup.

This workshop brings together theorists and experimentalists to discuss the physics behind LLPs around the following questions:

  • What do LLP searches tell us about the fundamental properties of new particles? 
  • What is the role of different searches at colliders, beam dump experiments, table-top experiments, in cosmology and astrophysics?
  • Are the widely explored ‚portals‘ to a hidden sector enough to cover all possible signatures of LLPs? What other extensions of the Standard Model predict LLPs?
  • What do we learn about the big questions in fundamental physics like dark matter, the origin of neutrino masses, baryogenesis, CP violation in and beyond QCD?
  • What searches and new experiments do we need in the future to fully explore the theory space of LLPs?

The workshop will take place in a relaxed format with one or two key talks per day and much time for exchange, discussions and research.  

Speakers include:

  • Juliette Alimena (DESY)
  • Martin Bauer (IPPP Durham)
  • Flavia de Almeida Dias (University of Amsterdam)
  • Marco Drewes (UC Louvain)
  • Julia Harz (Mainz)
  • Martin Hirsch (IFIC - CSIC and Universidad de Valencia)
  • Marco Hufnagel (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Juraj Klaric (University of Amsterdam)
  • Laura Lopez-Honorez (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • Vasiliki Mitsou (IFIC - CSIC and Universidad de Valencia)
  • Rhitaja Sengupta (Bonn University)

Organizing Committee:

  • Herbi Dreiner (Bonn University)
  • Florian Bernlochner (Bonn University)
  • Jordy de Vries (Nikhef, University of Amsterdam)
  • Susanne Westhoff (Radboud University, Nijmegen & Nikhef)