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17–18 Jan 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Dealing with New Security Threats: Global Threats Index (GTI) and Chat GTP

Not scheduled
Poster Posters


Rogelio Madrueño (uni-bonn)


Introduction and Punch line:
•The GTI based on Chat GPT + Excel aims to show the
position of a country and eight global (sub)geographic regions
in the context of an emerging constellation of transnational
• Research question: To what extent have global threats
pervaded the multiple facets of human security and how AI
can be helpful to provide prompt and timely information?
• Objective: to show improvements/deterioration in
planetary sustainability based on the use of AI
•Methodology: The GTI is assigned a score (‘banded’) on a
scale of 1 to 5 and overall scores are produced for each
country or territory. A score closer to 1 records that a country
is less prone to facing global threats (or has more capacity to
face these threats). A score closer to 5 shows the opposite.
Approach: The GTI is multidimensional and relative
measure that aims to show the exposure to planetary
instability by producing one simple and easy to interpret

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