17–18 Jan 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

First LHCb open data release and analysis preservation techniques

Not scheduled
Poster Posters


Mindaugas Sarpis (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)


LHCb and other experiments at CERN have the commitment to make the collected data
available to the public. In December of 2022, LHCb has released the first data set
containing 200 Terabytes of data from proton-proton collisions collected in the years
2011 and 2012 (Run1 of the LHC). This data is now available through CERN Open Data Portal.
The aim of the open data release is to encourage particle physics research by third
parties and aid in building the legacy of detector experiments at CERN. The report on
this initial release is provided in the poster. It has become
clear that it is important to preserve not only the data or the final results of physics
analyses but also the steps taken to obtain these results. These steps include everything
from data selection to statistical methods used in the analysis. It is also very important to
preserve the computational environment which was used for the analysis, so, at a later date
analysis could be rerun from start to finish for cross-checks or when bigger data
samples become available. One framework to help with the preservation of the analysis
techniques is REANA reproducible analysis platform which will also be briefly introduced
in the poster.

Primary author

Mindaugas Sarpis (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik)

Presentation materials

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