Digitization is changing day-to-day research practices across all fields of academic inquiry. Research data of every kind are collected, processed, analyzed, published and archived in digital systems. The term Research Data Management (RDM) refers to a range of activities and topics relating to the handling of digital research data, including technical, methodological, organizational and legal factors.
At the beginning of 2019, the University of Bonn formed the Research Data Service Center (ger. Servicestelle Forschungsdaten) in a move to provide the best possible support to researchers in addressing these challenges.
As an RDM competence center, we cover the entire research process from project planning to the final publication and archiving of research data. Our services include advice, conducting training and development of basic IT services for handling of research data.
Consultation Service: We offer advice to all researchers at the University - from doctoral candidates to working group leaders and from individual projects to collaborative research.
Need to write a project application and would like to clarify what the funder requirements are with regard to research data?
Are you looking for suitable backup routines or appropriate storage solutions tailored to your needs?
Want to publish your research data in a repository but need advice on what platform to choose and what metadata to assign?
No worries! We support you in the planning, application, implementation and completion phases of your project. simply send your request to our address: researchdata@uni-bonn.de
Training: We regularly offer training courses covering various open science and research data management aspects in German and English. On request, we are happy to hold workshops tailored to the needs of individual institutions such as institutes, collaborative projects or graduate schools.
If you have any questions or would like to receive more information about our training courses, please contact us at researchdata@uni-bonn.de
Data Management Plan (DMP) Service: We advise you individually on the creation of a DMP for your research project. You can also send us your draft version which we will revise and comment. We offer a Guide to the ‘Handling of Research Data’ in DFG project proposals (available in English and German) covering all required aspects.
Research Data Repositories: We administer the data repositories RADAR (current system) and bonndata (scheduled to go live in March 2023), that facilitate the professional publication and archiving of research data according to the FAIR principles. Such data typically derives from completed academic/scientific studies and projects. Publication of your research data in a repository like ours ensures the traceability, reproducibility and transparency of research results while heightening the visibility of research data through independent publication. Additionally, the published data can be used to address new research questions.
Electronic laboratory notebook (ELN): An ELN is a software designed to replace paper laboratory notebooks that are commonly used in the natural and life sciences to document and analyse research data. In comparison to standard laboratory notebooks, ELNs provide the user with, for example, enhanced search functionality, simplify copying the data and creating their backups, allow collaborative usage and enable access control.
The ELN RSpace is centrally hosted at the University Computer Center (HRZ). RSpace offers individually adjustable read and write permissions for a wide range of options for collaborative work. All entries are assigned to an individual user and are subject to complete versioning. RSpace complies with various standards and requirements (for example GLP, FDA Title 21 CFR Part 11). We also offer basic introduction courses.
Storage Services: Deciding on which data storage system and which data format to use will depend primarily on your project’s requirements and the resources that you have available. We generally advise you not to rely on local devices, external storage media or commercial cloud services (cf. Information on storage and backup strategies). Faculty and graduate students at the University of Bonn have access to a range of data storage services provided by University IT: the cloud storage service Sciebo, the high-performance network storage system FDI Research Data Infrastructure supplemented by the availability of virtual machines and an option for transferring very large files. Research staff at the Faculty of Medicine also have access to the storage services at the University Hospital Bonn.
Further Services that are soon to come: gitlab, Atlassian, Jupyter