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17–18 Jan 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

OpenMuseum - a data- and society-driven platform for Open Science

Not scheduled
Poster Posters


Mrs Elizabeth Stauß (uni-bonn)


The OpenMuseum is a digital platform that provides access to the collections of the University of Bonn. The platform is a combined tool for research, cataloguing, teaching and outreach, thus providing an access to cultural heritage collections curated for diverse social groups and user communities. The OpenMuseum allows these collections to be used for their respective interests (FAIR and CARE principles) and also provides an infrastructure for analogue and virtual exhibition and mediation formats that encourages active engagement with the collections. Current challenges include establishing a common infrastructure and a workflow able to meet the needs of the different collections, their requested data types and expectations. This includes the optimisation for databases at varying levels of digitisation and a data model flexible enough to accommodate the different scientific fields and categories relevant to each collection. An additional virtual exhibition with novel features is planned for the latter half of the project.

Primary authors

Mrs Elizabeth Stauß (uni-bonn) Edouard Grigowski (uni-bonn) Dr Carlos Pallan (uni-bonn) Alma Hannig (uni-bonn)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.