HEP Theory Seminar

NLO unitarity and stability bounds in extended Higgs sectors

by Subrata Samanta


Despite the tremendous success of the Standard Model (SM) in particle physics, there are a number of experimental‬‭ evidence ‬‭and‬ theoretical issues‬‭ suggesting that the SM‬‭ needs to be extended. In this talk, I will focus on the extended Higgs sectors of the SM. I will discuss how to put bounds on the potential parameters using theoretical constraints, namely stability and next-to-leading-order (NLO) unitarity conditions, in combination with the Higgs data from LHC. I will consider a minimal triplet scalar extended model with custodial symmetry, the so-called extended Georgi-Machacek model. Finally, I will present the status of the parameter space from a global fit to the above mentioned theory constraints and Higgs signal strengths data. I will show that the improved theory bounds significantly refine the parameter spaces in extended Higgs sectors.