Particle Physics Seminar

CP-violation through time: present and future at Belle II

by Thibaud Humair (DESY/MPP Munich)

Nußallee 12/1.049 (PI) - Conference Room II (PI)

Nußallee 12/1.049 (PI) - Conference Room II


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The Standard Model of particle physics contains a small amount of CP asymmetry. This asymmetry is however a billion times too small to explain the large matter-antimatter imbalance in the universe. One of the priorities of the physics program of the Belle II experiment in Tsukuba, Japan, is to use B meson decays to search for the imprints of mechanisms bringing new sources of CP violation. I will discuss the current status of a particular class of measurements where the amount depends on the decay time of B mesons: in particular, the first Belle II measurement of the CKM angle $\beta$ and of $\beta_{\text{eff}}$ in hadronic penguin decays. I will also share some ideas of future directions of research in this area, in particular the exploration of CP violation in electroweak penguin decays, and technological improvements required for future ultra-high-precision measurements.


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Organised by

Saime Gürbüz, Maike Hansen, Tatjana Lenz