Particle Physics Seminar

Novel Neutron Detectors at University Bonn

by Thomas Block (Bonn University)

Kreuzbergweg 24/0.052 (FTD) - Präsentationsraum (FTD)

Kreuzbergweg 24/0.052 (FTD) - Präsentationsraum


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Abstract: The use of neutrons as probes for material analysis in imaging and scattering experiments has proven to be successful in variuos scientific fields.  Due to their lack of electric charge they have the ability to highly penetrate and excite material without damaging the sample.  The neutron possesses also a magnetic moment, which enables us to analyze magnetic properties of materials with high precision.  Facilities worldwide provide neutron sources, state-of-the-art instruments and specialized personnel to assist researchers with their work.

As new facilities, like the European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, or the High Brilliance Source at Jülich, Germany, are emerging, oppurtunities to develop and deploy new kinds of neutron detectors open up.  Neutron detectors, which are based on solid neutron converters, are developed as an alternative to helium-3-based detectors, which are increasingly expensive to run due to the shortage of helium-3, and have a limited resolution and readout rate.

To tackle those problems our group develops gaseous detectors based on solid Boron-10 converters.  Our detector developments feature high spatial and temporal resolution readouts and support high event rates with a wide range of active readout areas, which make them suitable candidates for scattering and imaging experiments. 

The first design uses a combination of a boronated Microchannel Plate (MCP) and a Timepix3 ASIC with an active readout area of 2.8 cm x 2.8 cm.  After a successful implementation for the now discontinued Timepix ASIC, this upgrade not only increases the resolution of the detector but also guarantees the accessibility in future uses.  Currently, the mechanical construction is completed and the readout implementation studies are ongoing.

Secondly, a detector with a boron-lined Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), acting simultaneously as a conversion and signal amplification stage, is in development.  It uses the VMM3 ASIC for its readout of events and has an active area of 10 cm x 10 cm, which is planned to be expanded to an area of 30 cm x 30 cm in further stages of development.  Currently the construction of the first layer is still ongoing.

The third detector combines the principle of a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with a Boron-10 conversion stage.  The conversion results in two daughter particles:  Lithium ion and alpha particles.  One of them is used for a scintillator-based trigger of the detector while the other creates a track of ion-electron pairs in the gas volume.  This track is then readout by a GridPix-based readout.

In this seminar talk I will give a brief overview of science with neutrons and talk about the detector concepts, the current developments of and future plans for the neutron detectors in Bonn will be presented.


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Organized by

Maike Hansen, Saime Gürbüz