Marvin's First Anniversary: 365 Days of Supercomputing

Dirk Barbi (uni-bonn), Petra Mutzel (uni-bonn)

Attend the Celebration!

You are invited to join our interactive event including the following highlights:

  • Anniversary Celebration: Join us as we honor the one-year anniversary of Marvin's opening.
  • Invited Talk "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Future of HPC:  Processors, People, and Programming": Attend a presentation by Timothy Mattson, developer of OpenMP and distinguished expert in the field.
  • Most Interesting Results Competition: Watch showcases of the most exciting research outcomes produced on Marvin and vote on the winner.
  • Networking & Collaboration: Connect with fellow researchers and exchange insights.


Register here. Registration is necessary to attend.

This event is jointly organized by HPC@HRZ, the HPC/A Lab and TRA Modelling.

Enter the "Most Interesting Results Competition":

Want to enter the competition?

Submit an abstract about your most interesting result generated with Marvin!

Win prices such as a temporarily higher compute priority or premium support from the HPC Team!

Click on "Call for Abstracts" on the left for more information.

Register to attend the event