HISKP Theory Seminar

Static potential of the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory on the lattice

by Marko Maležič

Nußallee 14-16/3.013 (HISKP) - Seminar Room II (HISKP)

Nußallee 14-16/3.013 (HISKP) - Seminar Room II


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Understanding the static potential between quarks is crucial for studying
hadron bound states. A reliable way to analyze the potential is by
discretizing the theory to a finite lattice. This talk will introduce lattice
gauge theory and present the findings of my master's thesis. During research
for my master's thesis we generated gauge field configurations through the
Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. This was done for the Wilson action and the
one-tadpole improved Lüscher-Weisz action in order to compare them and study
their finite volume effects. Furthermore, we generated the configurations
across many volumes and couplings in order to apply the scaling analysis. As
expected we find a linear rise corresponding to quark confinement, however, we
observe a small discrepancy in the analyzed actions, which we attribute to a
systematic error. The findings substantiate the non-perturbative dynamics of
QCD and contribute to the understanding of hadron structure.