Particle Physics Seminar

Finding the axion at DESY in Hamburg

by Axel Lindner (DESY)

Kreuzbergweg 24/0.052 (FTD) - Präsentationsraum (FTD)

Kreuzbergweg 24/0.052 (FTD) - Präsentationsraum


Kreuzbergweg 24
Show room on map

The world-wide interest in axions and other weakly interacting slim particles (WISPs) as constituents of a dark sector of nature has strongly increased over the last years. A vibrant community is developing, constructing and operating corresponding experiments, so that most promising parameter regions will be probed within the next about 15 years. At DESY in Hamburg, larger scale projects are pursued: the “light-shining-through-a-wall” experiment ALPS II in the HERA tunnel has started data taking last year. The solar helioscope BabyIAXO is nearly ready to start construction, while the dark matter haloscope MADMAX is in the prototyping phase. This talk will introduce the physics cases and focus on the axion search activities ongoing at DESY.


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Meeting ID: 662 5356 7797
Passcode: 599591


Organised by

Maike Hansen, Tatjana Lenz, Saime Gürbüz, Klaas Padeken, Michael Lupberger