Paolo Stornati - Quantum and tensor network simulation of an abelian lattice field theory



Simone Romiti (uni-bonn)
In recent years, quantum simulators have emerged as a promising pathway
to circumvent various problems in quantum field theory simulations. In 
this talk, I will present recent results of the study of a 
qubit-regularized U(1) lattice gauge theory in 2+1 spacetime dimensions,
including the presence of a chemical potential for non-local winding 
excitations corresponding to integer-valued electric flux in either 
spatial direction. After an introduction to the qubit formulation given 
by the quantum link model, I will introduce basic concepts of tensor 
network (and more precisely DMRG) simulations. The results I will show 
are yet another motivation for keep on improving quantum simulator, as 
they are a potential candidate for non-perturbative quantum simulation 
of models that cannot be simulated with the state-of-the-art Monte Carlo
techniques, e.g. where sign problem is present. 
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